(fset 'news-goto-news-group #[(gp) "└┴\n\"ê├\n!ê└─\n\"ç" [message "Jumping to news group %s..." gp news-select-news-group "Jumping to news group %s... done."] 3 "\
Takes a string and goes to that news group." (byte-code "└┴\n\"Cç" [completing-read "NewsGroup: " news-group-article-assoc] 3)])
Removes you from newgroup GROUP." (byte-code "└┴\n\"Cç" [completing-read "Unsubscribe from group: " news-group-article-assoc] 3)])
(fset 'news-unsubscribe-current-group #[nil "└┴!¡â┬!ç" [y-or-n-p "Do you really want to unsubscribe from this group ? " news-unsubscribe-internal news-current-news-group] 2 "\
Removes you from the newsgroup you are now reading." nil])
(fset 'news-unsubscribe-internal #[(group) "└ \n\"ë½₧ B└ \n\"A@A@Aáê ܽâ╟ ê╚╔!¬ä╩╦ \")ç" [assoc group news-group-article-assoc tem news-unsubscribe-groups news-point-pdl news-current-news-group news-next-group message "" error "Not subscribed to group: %s"] 4])